Academic Program Name

Step 1


When a department has decided to propose a change to the name of an academic program, the dean of the school must receive written approval from the senior associate vice chancellor for academic affairs to proceed with the development of a proposal.

Required item

Step 2

CIP code

The academic unit should consult with the Office of the Registrar prior to submitting the proposal to determine whether a change to the CIP code used to classify the program is recommended.

Step 3

Change of name proposal form

Complete the change of name form. Send it, along with a cover letter, to the Office of Academic Affairs, requesting review and approval.

Required items
  • Cover letter
  • Change of name form

Send your materials to

Step 4

Undergraduate Affairs Committee (UAC)

After the senior associate vice chancellor for academic affairs approves the proposal, the Office of Academic Affairs will forward the proposal to the Undergraduate Affairs Committee for review and approval. Members of an UAC subcommittee will review the proposal and make recommendations to the full committee regarding approval. After the presentation in Step 5, the full UAC will vote on whether to approve the proposal.

Step 5

Presentation to UAC

The chair of the Undergraduate Affairs Committee will invite the originating unit to present the proposal at a regularly scheduled UAC meeting. These meetings occur once a month during the academic year.

Step 6

Chief academic officer

Following approval by the UAC, the proposal will be forwarded by the UAC to the chief academic officer for approval. 

Step 7

Academic Leadership Council (ACL)

If approved by the chief academic officer, the proposal will be entered into the APPEAR system by the Office of Academic Affairs and forwarded to the Academic Leadership Council to continue in the approval process.

Once a proposal has been entered in the APPEAR system by the Office of Academic Affairs, school representatives can review the status of the proposal by using APPEAR.

Step 8

Trustees and ICHE

Following ALC approval, the change of academic program name is reported to the trustees as an information item. In some cases, it also is reported to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education as an information item.