Life and Physical Sciences

General education courses for Life and Physical Sciences

Students must have 6 credit hours in life and physical sciences courses.

Course learning outcomes

Instructors teaching courses in the Life and Physical Sciences domain include at least half of the following learning goals so students can successfully complete this general education core requirement.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Explain how scientific explanations are formulated, tested, and modified or validated
  • Distinguish between scientific and non-scientific evidence and explanations
  • Apply foundational knowledge and discipline-specific concepts to address issues or solve problems
  • Apply basic observational, quantitative, or technological methods to gather data and generate evidence-based conclusions
  • Use current models and theories to describe, explain, or predict natural phenomena
  • Locate reliable sources of scientific evidence to construct arguments related to real-world issues


ANTH-A 103Human Origins and Prehistory
AST-A 100The Solar System
AST-A 103Search for Life in the Universe
AST-A 105Stars and Galaxies
AST-A 205Quasars, Pulsars, and Black Holes
BIOL-K 101Concepts of Biology I
BIOL-K 102Honors Concepts of Biology I
BIOL-K 103Concepts of Biology II
BIOL-N 100Contemporary Biology
BIOL-N 107Exploring the World of Animals
BIOL-N 200Biology of Women
BIOL-N 207Physiology for Healthcare Management
BIOL-N 211Anatomy for Healthcare Management
BIOL-N 212Human Biology
BIOL-N 213Human Biology Lab
BIOL-N 214Human Biology
BIOL-N 217Human Physiology
BIOL-N 261Human Anatomy
CHEM-C 100The World of Chemistry
CHEM-C 101Elementary Chemistry 1
CHEM-C 105Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM-C 106Principles of Chemistry II
CHEM-C 110The Chemistry of Life
FIS-N 100Investigating Forensic Science Lecture
FIS-N 101Investigating Forensic Science
FIS-N 205Concepts of Forensic Science I
FIS-N 206Concepts of Forensic Science II
GEOG-G 107Physical Systems of the Environment
GEOG-G 108Physical Systems of the Environment Laboratory
GEOG-G 111Hurricanes
GEOG-G 112Thunderstorms and Tornados
GEOG-G 114The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
GEOG-G 123Soil Survey
GEOL-G 107Earth and Our Environment
GEOL-G 110How the Earth Works
GEOL-G 115Oceanography
GEOL-G 130Short Courses in Earth Science
GEOL-G 132Environmental Issues and Solutions
GEOL-G 135Indiana Rocks!
GEOL-G 136Lab: Indiana Rocks!
KINE-N 220Nutrition Health (was HPER-N 220)
KINE-P 205Structural Kinesiology (was HPER-P 205)
NSCI-B 101Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience for Non-Majors
PBHL-A 115Environment and Human Health
PBHL-E 210Zombie Apocalypse and Doomsday Infections
PBHL-S 220Navigating the Maze of Healthy Living
PHYS-I 166The Physics of Rock 'n Roll
PHYS-I 152Mechanics
PHYS-I 218General Physics I
PHYS-I 219General Physics II
PHYS-I 251Heat, Electricity, and Optics
PHYS-P 201General Physics I
PHYS-P 202General Physics II
PSY-B 101Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience for Non-Majors

Additional courses for IU Columbus students only

BIOL-N 108Plants, Animals, and the Environment
BIOL-N 251Introduction to Microbiology
CHEM-C 121Experimental Chemistry Lab
CHEM-C 125Experimental Chemistry I
CHEM-C 126Experimental Chemistry II
GEOL-G 109Fundamentals of Earth History
GEOL-G 117Lab: Earth and Our Environment
GEOL-G 120Lab: How the Earth Works

Delisted courses

BIOL 10011Principles of Biomedical SciencesFall 2019
BIOL-K 104Honors Concepts of Biology IIFall 2022
BIOL-N 215Human Biology LabFall 2025
CHEM-C 115Lab for the Chemistry of LifeSpring 2022
CHEM-S 125Honors Experimental Chemistry ISpring 2025
CHEM-S 126Honors Experimental Chemistry IISpring 2025
GEOL-G 119Fundamentals of Earth History LabFall 2023
PHYS 10000Physics in the Modern WorldSpring 2022
PHYS 20000Our Physical EnvironmentFall 2024
PSY-B 105Psychology as a Biological Science (IU Columbus course only)Fall 2018
PSY-B 201Foundations of NeuroscienceSpring 2020

Full list of all transferable general education courses at IU Indianapolis

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