Transfer Bridge

This year, Bridge also included a pilot section for transfer students. Bowman discussed hopes to effectively expand the program in the future.

“We want to ease into it, learn as we go, and really create something that resonates,” Bowman said. “Because the needs of transfer students are different, they’re coming to us with a different mindset. I don’t think we can just replicate what we do for regular Bridge, it needs to be a customized experience, so I want to take our time and do it right.”

The pilot transfer student section of Bridge served 25 students throughout the 3-day program. To accommodate the diverse population of students who participated, students could come and go from the program as their schedules allowed. Participants mainly included students from the School of Liberal Arts, University College, and the School of Science.

Janice Bankert-Countryman, assistant program director of student services for the Center for Transfer and Adult Students, designed and facilitated the pilot program. Within the program, students participated in shared programming with first-year Bridge sections, such as the zoo trip and IU Indianapolis induction, along with activities specifically tailored to the transfer experience.

In terms of programming tailored to the transfer experience, Bankert-Countryman ran students through an activity focused on Maslow's hierarchy of needs and self-care. A panel of career consultants from across campus also spoke with students.

Bankert-Countryman felt that sharing some programming with first-year Bridge sections was important to foster a sense of belonging within the IU Indianapolis community for transfer students.

“The thing about transfer students is we don’t want to keep calling them transfer students, we want them to identify as IU Indianapolis students,” Bankert-Countryman said.

Feedback from 14 participants within the section indicated that they found the experience useful in their integration into the campus community. One student said that it was an “excellent experience.” Another student said they “felt right at home.”

“They’re glad they did it for two reasons. They feel more confident about starting at IU Indianapolis, and they feel like they’re coming onto campus with a sense of belonging,” Bankert-Countryman said.

Bankert-Countryman explained that in her role, she works to focus on filling gaps to continue supporting transfer and adult students on their journey and feels that Bridge is an important part of that.

What all of us want as human beings is to feel felt. I think that’s what Bridge does, it helps students feel felt.

Janice Bankert-Countryman

Next year, Bankert-Countryman hopes to expand the transfer experience to include three sections. Ideally, one would be a partnership with a specific academic program with interest in building their own transfer Bridge, another section would specifically target University College students, and the third would focus on remaining open to all transfer students interested in participating.

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